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  • To protect the interests of clients, litigants, and the general public from harm caused by impaired lawyers or judges.

  • To assist impaired members of the legal profession to begin and continue recovery

  • To educate the bench and the bar to the causes of and remedies for impairments affecting members of the legal profession.


JLAP provides mental health services to Arkansas judges, lawyers, their family members, and law students. Common issues that challenge our legal community include:

  • Stress and Burnout

  • Anxiety, Depression, or other Mood Disorders

  • Anger Management

  • Substance Abuse

  • Process addictions, such as food, sex, gambling, internet

  • Grief and loss

  • Work Transitions

  • Balancing the demands of practice and family

Judges, lawyers, and law students need to know when they call or come to JLAP that their involvement with JLAP and their conversations with JLAP staff, committee, agents (referrals), or volunteers are confidential. JLAP client confidentiality is protected by the Arkansas Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program Rule 10.

This umbrella extends JLAP confidentiality to include a vetted network of volunteers. 
Volunteers are an integral component of JLAP’s mission to extend services throughout the state of Arkansas. Our volunteers may provide peer support when a judge, lawyer or law student calls for assistance.  JLAP volunteers also serve as speakers who help educate the legal profession about addiction and mental health problems.

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